Thursday, July 26, 2007

With all the social network sites being developed it makes sense to figure out the next step - how do we connect people who are in need of connecting but aren't aware of the importance of this currently unformed connection.

Traveling has made me realize how impactful one can be just by talking and spreading information.

I read this article the other day about an invention that makes it a lot easier to transport water, and said to myself, "wow, what an ingenious idea," and I'm wondering how far the idea has really progressed, and what potential it has if the right people learn about.

This reminded me of that old Chinese proverb, you can give a man a fish to feed him for a day or you can teach him to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime. It seems to me like the best thing to do with a good idea is not only get it out there, but get it to the people who need it so it has as many opportunities to succeed as possible.

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